Wednesday 9 June 2010

Time flies

Well... time flies especially in the world of end of uni. I have totally forgotten about posting to this and so ill have to do a few posts now to get up to speed.

Firstly, the presentation. I thought i had enough to make a decent enough presentation and i was happy with it but i did know there could have been more and better images and representations. The guest took a while to figure out the theme and what it was all about and there was a few things that i have taken on-board. For example, a site map or context map showing how the hub will be used as a link in the infrastructure, More structural integrity in the middle of the platform, Circulation.... she really didn't like the circulation... and neither did i. It was a part of my assignment that i never got around to do properly and probably should have left it out of the presentation since i hadnt found a good way of properly presenting my ideas.

So heres the presentation slides...

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