Tuesday 25 May 2010

The start.

Okay, so theres a long list of things i want to do before the sun rises, I'm going to try list them in no particular order....

Improve site modelling (done)
Add tracks for mono-rail-esque transport (done)
Re-model structural steel supports for slab and roof. (in progress)
Continue to work on fly-throughs using desktop (in progress)
Model interior spaces including cafe, bike racks, seating, green it up.
Find my 'hero' shots to render for presentation (wait until model complete)
Sun studies changing angle of sustainable roof
Presentation powerpoint (in progress)
Model fire stairs
Model circulation stairs behind bridge structure
Model internal lighting at night for a hero shot of inside or from far away at night
Consider what to say for presentation
I'm sure theres much more to go, but for now, i will stop procrastinating through this blog and try to get stuck in again.

Ready for a long night.

In preperation for the presentation on thursday i have locked myself into an all nighter since i have work all day wednesday...

I think i will continue to take screen shots as i build the work up for the blog.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Where im at with my model.

Behind the scenes

Some screen shots from making the animation for the facade idea.

Hexagonal facade system

This is my idea for a hexagonal facade system and roofing system, it will optimise daylight, minimise summer sun, maximise winter sun, keep the rain out when its about, take advantage of winds, reducing air conditioning costs dramatically.

Tuesday 18 May 2010


Just had a big idea, I want to have a changeable facade or roof, that can be changed with the sun, wind, rain, everything! So I'm going back to my high school days of autodesk inventor, hopefully i can still remember how to use it and make a nice little animation of my idea. time will tell.

Photoshop ideas

Had a play around with photoshopping the model civilisation with a mosaic sort of hexagonal pattern over the top transparent, but based on the colours and shapes of the models. Looks interesting!

Sketchup rendering

During the studio we did a quick sketchup model showing the different zones of buildings. I then had ago at some renders and playing with lights... Interesting to see, since i never though sketchup was a capable of doing any renders.

Studio culmination models

In the studio we brought all our models together in different sections, all joint together by my Transport hub which is changing from just a "bus or light rail station" thing, to a sort of pedestrian meeting area to begin the journey of this massive parasitic civilisation.