Thursday 22 April 2010

Double Helix Bridge Opens!

I previously posted about this bridge and its finally opened. All reports are its amazing and no doubt will be getting several design awards.

Similar feel of my "vein" tunnels off the bridge...

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Presentation discussion.

The presentation today, shown in the nextpost, was good practise for trying to "sell" a design, without over-explaining it and having a million confusing images. I tried to keep it concise, and although the design itself is nowhere near completed, i believe the presentation gets the point across of what im trying to achieve, hopefully without the need for explanations.

Everyone seems to be doing well and getting stuck into the design process and its good to see lots of 3d modeling happening and renders etc.

I liked the fact that we were restricted to 5 slides, it ment everyone had do just get stuck in and not waste time explaining where the city cat stops, and how the wind flows through the area and how pedestrians walk through. I think we all know this, and we have all done that work, so why tell us all what we already know ? Its how we develop our design to incorporate these factors and the ovevall end product that is the most interesting and of course, NEW and interesting to hear.

Thats my sleepless rant done for now. Ruwan has said we can relax a little bit now, and be prepared for some modeling next week so im going to do a little preperation for that in anticipation of using a laser cutter or similar stuff.

Presentation images

Wednesday 14 April 2010

My hyperbolic model.

Work in progress

Starting to look at the amount of space I have to play with. The easiest way i could do it is through revit and finding some general areas, I can then have a bit of knowledge about how big the floor plate can be and start to organise my plans accordingly.

This means im starting to think about some key elements of the design including; pedestrian paths, bus and other transport loading zones, river connections, head heights, seating, incorparation of cafes etc.

The biggest problem im having at the moment is resolving the fact that when a bus comes into the platform, it can only unload on the left hand side as thats where the doors are. If a bus is traveling north, towards the valley, this means it will let people off to the western side, and visa versa south-east. On one hand this is grat in the aspect that as people get off the bus, they wil be greeted with the rivere views, however it poses the problem that the main waiting areas will have to be seperated by the bus lines. This is where the problem lies, and I'm trying many different solutions.