Thursday 25 March 2010

Some hyperbolic thinking

Some ideas and examples of hyperboloid structure.. based on the mathematics of hyperbolic parabolas.... It will be intersting to see if any of these formulas could be used in grasshopper to help create my designs as i have seen sin and cos functions used to create waves and interesting repeating detail changes.... interesting times to come. I also plan on doing a model, or possibly a couple of models playing with these structures.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Marina Bay double helix bridge (Singapore - Cox)

This bridge shares some of the qualities of the tunnels that i will have coming off the bridge... however i'll be looking into modelling something by hand soon so i can change it more drastically and revert back to some of the first ideas i had using 3ds max, using straight members to create a bent and curved look. More to come!

Tutorial blob model

Tunnel modeling

An attempt to start comunicating what the tunnels "veins" coming off the bridge will look like

Tuesday 23 March 2010

I decided to start modeling up some sort of basic idea of what i want my building to do and be like so i can start developing ideas. Decided to quickly sketchup the basic shape and idea of how my transport hub will become a parasite on the bridge offering on and off tunnels for busses and a city cat stop.... possibly another underground connection to new infrastructure connecting the valley and city etc.

Obviously its not to scale as it seems a lot bigger then i first anticipated, but you get the jist of it. The stuff i posted before would be the scultpuiral aspect of the tunnels to create interesting rhythms as you travel through them.

Monday 22 March 2010

Ideas play around

Some ideas i had been playing with in Max so far.... My project is a transport hub attached to the Storey bridge. This is basicly playing around with different forms of either tunnels or entire structure.

Monday 15 March 2010

First Post

To start my blog off, I thought i would post this link... some very interesting stuff discussed. A lot of my thinking behind my architecture is the way in which human movement can be expressed and manipulated. Something that is mentioned in this video. Interesting to think about the different intersections that linear and organic curves make and the way in which humans tend to have a more organic and curved path.